Posted tagged ‘Sequestration Act of 2103’

Sequester This, Don’t Sequester That

March 9, 2013

I had been hearing about the Sequesteration Act of 2013 and the negative effects it would have on our economy, our  cuts_jobs_lost_3-2 jobs,  and  our  families as well as the benefits it would have for corporations, the corporate elite, and the plutocratic class in our country.

Well, the Sequester went into effect this week and we are all waiting to see what its immediate and long term effects will be. While we may have to wait some weeks or months before we start feeling the real effects of the Sequester, the AFL-CIO has put together a useful tool that helps us see what the impact of the Sequester will be in terms of  dollars cut from various programs and sevices that benefit people.

The header to the tool says:

“The bullies in Congress are holding the economy hostage with across-the-board budget cuts that will cost 750,000 jobs this year. They are using these budget cuts as ‘leverage’ to cut Social Secruity, Medicare and Medicaid benefits – with the collateral damage huring seniors, students, working families and the U.S. economy – and to protect loopholes for Wall Street and the richest 2% of Americans. This didn’t have to happen. THEY HAD A CHOICE.”

The tool is a side-by-side comparision that shows what public programs and services will be negatively impacted by the Sequester (in dollar amounts) as well as areas of American finance and economy that “escaped” the Sequester and in what dollar amounts.

You can view the AFL-CIO’s comparison tool here.